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How esy works

This document describes esy internals.


Almost every esy command operates in context of a project sandbox which is defined by a sandbox manifest (usually package.json but esy.json is also supported).


The typical pipeline from having a clean checkout of an esy project to the point where all artifacts are built consists of the following steps:

  • Solve Dependencies

    Produces esy.lock solution lock out of package.json. This step is optional as esy.lock can be already present in a fresh checkout.

  • Fetch Dependencies

    Ensures all packages mentioned in esy.lock is in the Global Installation Cache.

  • Crawl Package Graph

    Crawls the sandbox's lockfile and linked packages and read them into BuildManifest.t.

  • Produce Task Graph

    Folds over the BuildManifest.t and produces the Plan.Task.t structures.

  • Build Task Graph

    For each Plan.Task.t exeute build commands in the corresponding environment using esy-build-package command.

Solve Dependencies

This step produces a solution out of dependency declarations found in a project's root manifest and all transitively dependent packages' manifests.

First, a package universe (a transitive closure of all dependencies' versions) is constructed by consulting package registries (npm and opam currently) and other sources (remote URLs, local paths and various git repositories hostings).

The constructed package universe is then encoded as CUDF and is fed to a CUDF solver (provided by the esy-solve-cudf npm package which uses mccs solver underneath).

The result of the solver is then decoded and serialized on disk as esy.lock. It is advised to commit this file to version control as it captures the current state of the project's dependencies. This allows us to reproduce the exact same environment anywhere.

Modules of interest:

  • esyi/Universe
  • esyi/Resolver
  • esyi/Solver
  • esyi/Solution

Fetch Dependencies

This step consumes a solution produced by the previous Solve Dependencies step and ensures that all packages mentioned in the solution are fetched and cached in the Global Installation Cache.

How it works:

  • Traverse the solution
  • For each record of the solution:
    • Fetch source (either a tarball or a git repo or ...)
    • Apply all needed patches
    • Pack as a *.tgz and store in a cache

Modules of interest:

  • esyi/Fetch
  • esyi/Solution

Crawl Package Graph

This step crawls the sandbox's lockfile and linked packages and read them into BuildManifest.t.

Node of this graph are package metadata. Edges are instances of dependency relations between packages. The dependency relations are defined by the following fields in a package's manifest:

  • "dependencies"
  • "peerDependencies" - same as "dependencies" from the point of view of esy, was used by the legacy implementation of esy install command to defer installing dependencies to the root package.
  • "optDependencies" - this models optional dependencies (if they are installed they are used, otherwise - ignored), an analogue to opam's depopts which are being discouraged now.

Modules of interest:

  • esy/Plan
  • esy/BuildManifest

Produce Task Graph

This step consumes BuildManifest.t structures and produces Plan.Task.t structures.

The resulted graph is topologically isomorphic to the original Solution.Package.t graph but contains much more information about the build process for each of the packages in a sandbox:

  • A list of ready to execute commands
  • An environment which is needed to execute build commands

Modules of interest:

  • esy/Plan

Build Task Graph

After Task.t is constructed, it's time to build it.

Each Task.t is serialized into a JSON format called Build Plan which is then used to invoke the esy-build-package executable.

Modules of interest:

  • esy/Build
  • esy/PackageBuilder
  • esy-build-package/Builder


There are multiple levels of caches used by esy.

Global Installation Cache

This cache stores sources of concrete package versions. It can be cleaned with the esy cleanup command. See esy cleanup --help for details. This was previously known as esy gc.

Location & Structure

The default location for the cache is ~/.esy/esyi/tarballs and can be indirectly controlled by the --cache-path option of esyi executable.

% tree ~/.esy/source/i
├── esy-installer__0.0.0.tgz
└── substs__0.0.1.tgz

Cache Key

The cache key used for the cache consists of:

  • Package name
  • Package version
  • Package source (needed if package was fetched not from a registry but a git repository or other source)
  • A hash of all contents of patches and additional files (if those are defined for the package, currently used by the opam overrides infra).

Global Build Store

This cache stores built artifacts of esy packages and related metadata.

Location & Structure

The default location for the cache is ~/.esy/3<prefix> and can be indirectly controlled by the --store-path option of esy executable.

The <prefix> part of the path consists of a number of underscore characters _ which pads the store path so that the length of the path to the ocamlrun executable in the store is exactly 128 characters.

The number 128 comes from the fact that on some systems a path mentioned in a shebang line (first line of executable which starts with #!) is limited to 128 characters. Thus the current limit ensure that OCaml bytecode executables can be run from the store. Note, however, that global build store doesn't need the underscores. With large source trees, artifacts get created at very deep paths, and this can cause failures on Windows. This is why we eventually shortened build paths to just ~/.esy/3/b in PR#969

The padding is needed to allow relocating built artifacts between stores.

The cache looks like:

% tree ~/.esy/3_*
├── b
│   ├── ocaml-4.6.1-4f6b0960
│   ├──
│   ├── ocaml-4.6.1-4f6b0960.log
│   ...
├── i
│   ├── ocaml-4.6.1-4f6b0960
│   ...
└── s


  • b/<key> is a directory which is used as a build root for a corresponding package.
  • b/<key>.log is log file for the build process of a package which corresponds to the <key>.
  • b/<key>.info contains information about the corresponding build process such timer ellapsed and so on.
  • s/<key> is a stage directory for built artifact installation (packages install their own artifacts there and then esy moves s/<key> to i/<key> so that the changes to the store are executed atomically.
  • i/<key> is an installation directory, this is the directory which hosts built artifacts of the package which corresponds to the <key>.

Cache Key

The cache key used for the cache consists of:

  • Package name
  • Package version
  • Hash of all build/install commands and other esy specific metadata from a package manifest
  • Hash of all dependencies' cache keys

Local Build Store

Local Build Store follows exactly the same layout and cache key as the Global Build Store but it is local to a sandbox and located at <sandboxPath>/_esy/default/store.

It is used to store artifacts of packages which don't have a stable build identity (unreleased software which changes often and doesn't warrant sorting its artifacts in a Global Build Store).

Local Sandbox Cache

Local Sandbox Cache stores a computed package and build task graph. It is located at <sandboxPath>/_esy/default/cache/sandbox-<hash>, where <hash> is a hash of:

  • Store Path
  • Sandbox Path
  • Local Store Path
  • Version of esy

The cache is stored in a format readable by the OCaml Marshal module.

Reading the cache file with a version of esy which has different SandboxInfo.t layout than the one with which the cache was produced with usually results in a Segmentation Fault.