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Building from source

To make changes to esy and test them locally:

% git clone  --recurse-submodules git://
% cd esy # Change to the cloned directory
% esy # install and build dependencies
% yarn # install NPM dependencies used during development.

And then, run newly built esy executable from anywhere by adding PATH_TO_REPO/_build/install/default/bin to the $PATH during the shell's session. On Windows, append PATH_TO_REPO/bin instead, because it contains a smaller wrapper.

@ECHO off
@SET ESY__ESY_BASH=%~dp0../node_modules/@prometheansacrifice/esy-bash
"%~dp0../_build/install/default/bin/esy.exe" %*

On Windows, esy binary needs esy-bash. esy distributed on NPM finds it in the node_modules, but the dev binary finds it via the ESY__ESY_BASH variable in the environment. This wrapper sets the value of the ESY__ESY_BASH to a path in node_modules where esy-bash is installed by yarn.

Updating bin/esyInstallRelease.js

bin/esyInstallRelease.js is developed separately within the esy-install-npm-release/ directory.


% make bin/esyInstallRelease.js

to update the bin/esyInstallRelease.js file with the latest changed, don't forget to commit it.