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Getting started

esy provides a single command called esy that can be invoked inside of any directory containing a package.json file. The typical workflow is to cd into a directory that contains a package.json file, and then perform operations on that project.

Install esy

npm install -g esy

If you had installed esy previously:

npm uninstall --global --update esy

Step-by-step tutorial

To understand the benefits and general workflow of writing a program with esy, we put together a simple Step-by-Step guide for you to follow. In this guide we want to write a simple "Hello, World" program. It will just print "Hello, World" to the console and exit afterwards.

If you have questions or you find yourself stuck anywhere, don't hesitate to reach out at one of our community platforms

Let's start with an empty package.json


Every program we may want to write with ReasonML or OCaml needs at least the OCaml compiler as a dependency.

"dependencies": {
"ocaml": "4.10.x"

And our OCaml source file, with

let () = print_endline "Hello, World"

To install the dependencies, run esy

$ esy

This will fetch all of our dependencies (at this point, just ocaml) and install it in a sandbox exclusively created for this project.

A esy sandbox is like an isolated environment for your project, so everything you install is just installed inside this environment and not globally on your system.

The advantage of a sandbox is that different projects can have different versions of the same dependency installed, which would not be easily possible if they were just installed globally.

In OCaml, we can't just run our code as with for example NodeJS. It first needs to be compiled to an executable with the OCaml compiler we installed previously.

The compiler gets invoked with either the command ocamlopt (for native compilation) or ocamlc (for bytecode compilation). You can learn more about the compilers here. In this example, we will prodeed with the native compiler (ocamlopt). The most basic syntax for compiling a file to an executable looks like this: ocamlopt -o <output.exe> <source-file>.

With this info at hand, our first instinct might be just running ocamlopt -o hello.exe to produce our executable file. But remember, we didn't install ocaml globally, but in our projects sandbox. So we need to somehow run this command inside of this sandbox.

Just like in the Yarn/NPM world, build commands are run with a prefix.

To compile,

esy ocamlopt -o hello.exe

If everything worked correctly, running the command above should have output a file called hello.exe. To now execute our program and output "Hello, World", we just need to run:


If you are following along on a Mac or Linux, it might seem a bit odd, that you can run an .exe file, as these files normally can only be run on Windows systems. This is just for convenience and completely optional.

Using a build system

Compiling your code with ocamlopt or ocamlc works well, when you don't have a lot of dependencies. But as soon as your project gets larger, compiling your code manually becomes very complex, very fast. To help with this, we want to use a build system.

If you are coming from JavaScript, you probably already heard from tools like "Webpack", "Browserify" or "Rollup". These are build systems. They take your code and its dependencies and bundle them together into a single file.

For Reason and OCaml, we use Dune - the community endorsed build system. You give it an entry point and it "bundles" all of your code and its dependencies together into a single executable.

To install dune into our "Hello World" program, we have to add @opam/dune to the dependencies of our package.json.

  "dependencies": {
"ocaml": "4.10.x",
+ "@opam/dune": "*"

If you're familiar with Dune, you'd know, that starting from scratch, Dune needs

  1. A dune-project file describe the project

  2. A dune file to describe the binary being compiled

  3. An opam file (say hello.opam) to so that Dune can assign the project an identifier.

  4. Create an empty file hello.opam. This file assigns the namespace hello to our package among the set of libraries.

  5. Create a dune file to describe how the program. Mostly, just it's public name and the file creating it

    (name hello) ; asking dune to build
    (public_name hello.exe)) ; name of the binary

    We're now ready to build and distribute the hello world program.

  6. Optionally, create a dune-project file. If you don't, Dune will create it for you.

(lang dune 2.7)
(name hello)
  1. lang specifies the configuration language version. Yes! Dune configuration language is versioned which brings extra stability!
  2. name specifies the identifier for the project. This has to be same as the opam file name.

As with the compilation of single program, you might expect to prefix Dune's build command, dune build, with esy and expect things to work.

esy dune build

You're not wrong.

However, esy's real strength is isolated build environment - read the package.json, create an isolated environment, try to build the project there.

This way, should you happen to forget to include a dependency in your package.json, the build will break. Other package managers don't guarantee this! Esy also creates lock files, not optional like in opam. This ensures users have the same version of a dependency across machines.

To build projects in isolated build environments, use esy b prefix.

esy b dune build

You can now find the files Dune usually creates under _build directory at _esy/default/build. Run the binary with,


You can think of it as ./_esy/{your esy sandbox name}/build/{your dune profile}/hello.exe


esy b dune exec ./hello.exe

Out of source

It, indeed, was very convenient to have the binary, hello, created right next to the source file, As they'd say, in-source compilation.

In real world applications, such binaries are rarely run directly. For two reasons,

  1. They are installed in a global location somewhere else. Like /usr/local, /usr/bin
  2. Running them directly ($ /path/to/hello.exe) is rarely reliable as they might depend on a version of library that simply may not be present, or the wrong version.

Just like build environments, it would be nice to our project binaries in a special environment where the binaries and libraries project needs is available in the exact version needed and isolated from what the rest of the machine.

Esy provides just that - we call it the exported environment.

We need to

  1. Install the binary
  2. Call this binary from the exported environment.

By install, we mean installing it to a location local to the project, but for all intents and purposes, it behaves like as it it were a global location. A virtualised environment.

To do so, tweak the build command to ask Dune to not just compile, but also to generate some special files that would help in installing the binary.

esy b dune build -p hello

To run the binary in the exported environment, one would have to build and then run the install command in sequence.

esy b dune build -p hello && esy b dune install # Only for illustration. Not a valid command

This would, theoretically, install the binary in a project local sandbox and make it available in the exported environment.

We instead recommend, specifying the build command, dune build -p hello, in the package.json.

+ "esy": {
+ "build": "dune build -p hello"
+ },
"dependencies": {
"ocaml": "4.10.x",
"@opam/dune": "*"

Esy understands Dune, and the following will not be necessary

  "esy": {
"build": "dune build -p hello",
- "install": "dune install"

With the final package.json looking like this,

"esy": {
"build": "dune build -p hello"
"dependencies": {
"ocaml": "4.10.x",
"@opam/dune": "*"

The command to build the project simply becomes, esy

$ esy
info esy 0.6.10 (using package.json)
info fetching: done
info installing: done
Done: 13/17 (jobs: 1)

To check if the built project would install and run fine, instead of a command like esy b <run install command> && ./path/to/hello.exe, we can simply run,

esy x hello.exe

ie. prepending esy x to the final command the user of the tool expects it. If the tool is invoked on the deployed machine as $ mytool --option1 --option2, you can test it during development in it's exported environment as $ esy x mytool --option1 --option2.

That's it!

We have a template, hello-reason ready for you to help you quickly get started.

git clone
cd hello-reason

Note: to get intellisense on VSCode, make sure the latest version of @opam/ocaml-lsp-server is present in package.json. OCaml versions may differ across projects and a single global ocamllsp binary won't work across projects. The hello-reason template takes care of this already.

Cheat sheet

Install dependencies

Make sure the package.json has the dependencies specified. Then run,

esy install
# or
esy i
# or simply


Make sure the package.json as the build command specified. And then,

esy build
# or
esy b
# or simply

Run compiled executables

Use esy x COMMAND invocation to run project's built executable as if they are installed:

esy x Hello

Where is the binary executable?

When a compiled binary is run with esy x Hello, esy creates a local install sandbox with /bin, /lib, /etc and other directories found globally where binaries are meant to be installed. If you're curious, you could peek into them, running

esy echo '#{self.install}'

and inspect the contents yourself. You'll find the binaries in the bin directory.

However, they are not meant to be run directly as they could be missing the necessary exported environment - it could be possible that the binary you created needs a dependency during the runtime. esy x <your project binary> is the recommended way to run them.

Checkout concepts for more information.

Rebuild the project

Hack on project's source code and rebuild the project:


Adding a dependency

esy add <dependency>

This will fetch the sources and copy them in esy's store. Next, run

esy build

This will build the newly downloaded dependency.

Alternatively, add a new entry in the dependencies (or devDependencies)

  "@reason-native/console: "*"
+ "@reason-native/pastel": "*"
"@reason-native/rely": "*"

And run, esy afterwards.

Other useful commands

It is possible to invoke any command from within the project's sandbox. For example build & run tests with:

esy make test

You can run any COMMAND inside the project development environment by just prefixing it with esy:


To shell into the project's development environment:

esy shell

For more options:

esy help